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Firman Noor obtained his Bachelor degree from Department of Political Science, Universitas Indonesia (UI) and Master of Art (M.A.) from Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University (ANU) by the support of Australian Development Scholarship (ADS). While studying at ANU, Firman was granted the Anthony Reid Award for his outstanding performance in his faculty and he graduated with an average score of High Distinction (HD) and received the title of with Honors (Hons). Firman then continued into doctoral education at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Exeter, England with scholarship from his campus and the Ministry of Education and Culture Excellence Scholarship Program (Beasiswa Unggulan). He then finished it in just 2.5 years with a doctoral thesis titled Institutionalizing Islamic Political Parties in Indonesia: A Study of Internal Fragmentation and Cohesion in the Post Soeharto Era (1998-2008). Firman then attended post-doctoral program (2015) and became a Research Fellow at the University of Exeter from 2016 to 2017. While in England, he was often invited as speaker at several international seminars at Oxford University, SOAS University of London and other campuses. Firman became the youngest research professor when he joined the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and he currently works as the Head of LIPI Political Research Center (P2P). Firman Noor has been the founder and Deputy Executive Director of the InMind Institute since this institution was founded on 2 May 2020.
Firman Noor menyelesaikan studi sarjana dari Departemen Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia (UI) dan memperoleh gelar Master of Art (M.A.) dari Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University (ANU) dengan beasiswa Australian Development Scholarship (ADS). Saat berkuliah di ANU, Firman meraih penghargaan Anthony Reid Award sebagai mahasiswa berprestasi di fakultasnya, lulus dengan nilai rata-rata High Distinction (HD), dan mendapatkan predikat with Honors (Hons). Firman kemudian melanjutkan studi doktoralnya di School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Exeter, Inggris dengan beasiswa dari kampusnya dan Program Beasiswa Unggulan Kemendikbud. Studi doktoral ditempuhnya hanya dalam waktu 2,5 tahun dengan disertasi berjudul Institutionalizing Islamic Political Parties in Indonesia: A Study of Internal Fragmentation and Cohesion in the Post Soeharto Era (1998-2008). Firman kemudian melanjutkan program post-doctoral (2015) dan menjadi Research Fellow di University of Exeter pada tahun 2016 hingga 2017. Selama di Inggris, dia juga sempat menjadi pembicara dalam beberapa seminar internasional di Oxford University, SOAS University of London, dan universitas lainnya. Firman yang pernah mendapat predikat profesor riset termuda LIPI ini kini menjadi Kepala Pusat Penelitian Politik (P2P) LIPI. Firman Noor menjadi pendiri sekaligus Wakil Direktur Eksekutif InMind Institute sejak lembaga ini berdiri pada 2 Mei 2020.
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