Executive Director of InMind Institute Yon Machmudi, Ph.D. with Adhitia Wardani Fauzyyah and Apipudin wrote about one traditional Islamic boarding school, Pondok Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah in Depok, Indonesia. This article was published by Atlantis Press on 2nd International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies (ICSGS 2018) and accessible at https://download.atlantis-press.com/article/125922553.pdf

This article discusses a traditional Islamic boarding school in Depok City, West Java, namely, Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah. A qualitative method with interview, literature study, and observation is used. This research finds that Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah is the embodiment of the lofty ideals of Kiai Achmad Sjaichu, the son of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama. The school’s main goal is to foster a generation of new scholars with deep understanding of various knowledge forms. As a pesantren under the auspice of the institution, the school is managed and led by a Kiai who is not from the biological family of KH Achmad Sjaichu but instead comes from a family trusted by the institution. Since the pesantren was established, both traditionality and modernity have been deeply embedded in it. Therefore, the discussion in this paper focuses on the traditional and modern sides as well as leadership of the pesantren.
image source: https://al-hamidiyah.sch.id/al-hamidiyah.sch.id/thefirst.php/berita/baca/selamat-hari-raya-idul-adha-1439-h
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