Yon Machmudi, Ph.D.

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Yon Machmudi, born in Jombang (East Java), completed his bachelor degree from the Arabic Literature Study Program, University of Indonesia (UI). He obtained his Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) from the Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University (ANU) with doctoral thesis titled Islamising Indonesia: The Rise of Jemaah Tarbiyah and The Prosperous Justice Party (has been published as a book with the same title). Yon has written several books and scientific articles, especially related to Islam and politics in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East as well as issues of radicalism and moderation. Yon, who is often interviewed by the Indonesian media regarding the political situation in the Middle East, has become the head lecturer for the History Study Program as well as lecturer for the Arabic Literature and Political Science study programs at UI. Yon is also a lecturer and chairman of the Middle East and Islamic Studies Program (PSKTTI), a postgraduate program at UI. Yon Machmudi has been the founder and Executive Director of the InMind Institute since the institution was founded on 2 May 2020.

Yon Machmudi yang lahir di Jombang ini menyelesaikan studi Sarjana dari Program Studi Sastra Arab Universitas Indonesia (UI). Gelar Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) diperolehnya dari Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University (ANU) dimana Yon lulus dengan disertasi berjudul Islamising Indonesia: The Rise of Jemaah Tarbiyah and The Prosperous Justice Party yang saat ini sudah diterbitkan menjadi buku berjudul sama. Yon telah banyak menulis artikel ilmiah terutama terkait Islam dan politik baik di Indonesia, Asia Tenggara, maupun Timur Tengah serta isu radikalisme dan moderasi. Yon yang kerap diwawancarai media mainstream terkait situasi politik Timur Tengah ini menjadi lektor kepala untuk program studi Ilmu Sejarah serta dosen untuk program studi Sastra Arab dan Ilmu Politik di UI. Yon juga menjadi dosen sekaligus Ketua Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), sebuah program studi pascasarjana di UI. Yon Machmudi menjadi pendiri sekaligus Direktur Eksekutif pada InMind Institute sejak lembaga ini berdiri pada 2 Mei 2020.

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